GreenMile Adapter

Access GreenMile using SQL and REST commands

This adapter requires an account with GreenMile Services.

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String url Web service URL
String userName Login used for authentication
String password Password used for authentication
Boolean useLocalDateTime Convert GreenMile UTC times to local time True
String batchSize Number of rows to retrieve in each batch request 2000


Represents a CancelCode. Used to describe the reason for a canceled Stop. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.CancelCode

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String key
String description
Boolean enabled
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents the cost profile of a Driver.r details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.DriverProfileCost

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
String descriptionThe name that will be displayed in the system for the Cost Profile.
Decimal fixedRouteCostThe amount of money the route will calculate for the driver.
Decimal costPerHourThe amount of driver wage based on each hour.
Int32 minimumTimeHoursThe amount of time the driver is guaranteed pay for the route.
Decimal overtimeRatePerHourThe amount of driver wage once the amount of time in the Regular Time (minutes) box has been exceeded.
Decimal perDistanceRateKmThe amount of pay per unit for the driver.
Int32 minimumDistanceThe minimum amount of miles the driver is paid.
Decimal perSize1RateThe amount of pay per size1 delivered.
Int32 minimumSize1The minimum amount of size1 the driver is paid.
Boolean enabledActivates the Cost Profile in GreenMile to be utilized.
Int32 regularTimeMinutesThe amount of time for the route (in minutes) for regular pay.
Decimal fixedStopCostThe amount of money the route will be calculated at for each stop.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a vehicle. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.Equipment

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String keyThe unique database key associated with the specific Equipment template being defined.
String descriptionThe name that will be displayed in the system for the Equipment.
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
Int32 equipmentType_idThe Equipment Type to which the current Equipment template will apply.
String equipmentType_keyThe unique database key associated with the specific Equipment template being defined.
String equipmentType_descriptionThe name that will be displayed in the system for the Equipment Type.
Boolean enabledActivates the Equipment in GreenMile to allow them to log into the system.
String gpsUnitIdThe Unit Code will be a unique identifier found on the GPS unit.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents an attribute in Equipment that allows the definition of different types of vehicles. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.EquipmentType

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
String keyThe unique database key associated with the specific Equipment template being defined.
String descriptionThe name that will be displayed in the system for the Equipment.
Decimal weightThe gross weight of the vehicle.
Decimal heightThe maximum height of the vehicle.
Decimal averageFuelConsumptionThe average amount of fuel the equipment type consumes.
Decimal carbonFactorThe Carbon Emission Factor for the vehicle type used in CO2 reporting.
Decimal size1The equipment type’s Size1 capacity.
Decimal size2The equipment type’s Size2 capacity.
Decimal size3The equipment type’s Size3 capacity.
Decimal fixedRouteCostThe amount of money the route will calculate for the equipment.
Decimal costPerMinuteThe amount of dollars and cents that the equipments costs to operate.
Int32 minimumTimeMinutesThe minimum amount of time used to calculate cost.
Decimal perDistanceRateKmThe amount of cost per unit traveled for the equipment.
Int32 minimumDistanceThe minimum amount of miles the equipment cost per distance will be calculated.
Decimal perSize1RateThe amount of cost charged per size1 carried on equipment.
Int32 minimumSize1The minimum amount of size1 the Cost per Size1 will be calculated at.
Boolean enabledActivates the Equipment in GreenMile to allow them to log into the system.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a search of Geocoding. details 


Name Description Default
country US

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.GeoCode

Http Call


Output Columns

String types
String formattedAddress
String route
String routeShort
String routeTypes
String locality
String localityShort
String localityTypes
String subLocality
String subLocalityShort
String subLocalityTypes
String administrativeArea
String administrativeAreaShort
String administrativeAreaTypes
String country
String countryShort
String countryTypes
String postalCode
String postalCodeShort
String postalCodeTypes
Decimal locationLat
Decimal locationLng
String locationType
Decimal viewportSouthwestLat
Decimal viewportSouthwestLng
Decimal viewportNortheasttLat
Decimal viewportNortheastLng
Decimal boundsSouthwestLat
Decimal boundsSouthwestLng
Decimal boundsNortheasttLat
Decimal boundsNortheastLng
Boolean partialMatch
String raw
Represents a type of Location. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.LocationType

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
String keyLocationType’s key.
String descriptionThe name that will be displayed in the system for the Location Type.
Boolean showOnMobileCreateAllows the Location Type to be chosen in GreenMile Driver.
Boolean enabledActivates the Location Type in GreenMile to allow them to log into the system.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a type of hours of service. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.GreenMile.HoursOfServiceType
select * from GreenMile.HoursOfServiceType

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
String keyHoursOfServiceType’s key
DateTime disableDateDisable Date.
String descriptionThe name that will be displayed in the system for the Hours of Service Type.
Boolean allowBreakAppointmentThe type created will be calculated as a break in Hours of Service.
Boolean allowLunchAppointmentThe type will be considered as meal time in Hours of Service calculation.
Boolean allowWaitAppointmentThe type created will be considered as a wait time for the Hours of Service calculation.
Boolean inferDriveTimeBasedRouteActionsThe type created will be considered as drive time in the Hours of Service calculation.
Int32 breakTimeThresholdMinutesIndicates when a break should be taken.
Int32 breakTimeDurationMinutesIndicates how long this break will be.
Int32 lunchTimeThresholdMinutesIndicates when a lunch break should be taken.
Int32 lunchTimeDurationMinutesIndicates how long this lunch will be.
Boolean forceBreakTimeIf the value of forceBreakTime is True the system forces the break time to be at least the value specified in breakTimeDurationMinutes
Boolean forceLunchTimeIf the value of forceLunchTime is True the system forces the lunch time to be at least the value specified in lunchTimeDurationMinutes.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a Driver, that is also a User of the system, responsible for driving the Equipment to complete Routes. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

exec GreenMile.ListDrivers
select * from GreenMile.Driver

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 idThe entity’s auto-increment id.
String licenseNumberThe number issued to the driver.
String driverTypeType of Job for the Driver.
DateTime licenseExpiresDate the license expires on.
String driverProfileCostThe cost profile that will be utilized to compute the driver’s cost of the route.
DateTime lastDrugsTestThe date of the driver’s last drug test.
DateTime lastPhysicalTestThe date of the driver’s last physical.
DateTime lastAlcoholTestThe date of the driver’s last alcohol test.
Boolean smartTrackIndicates if Driver has smart track or not.
Int32 failedAttemptsAmount of login attempts.
DateTime lockDateLocked account Date.
DateTime expireDateDate to lock account.
DateTime latestLoginDate of last login.
Int32 passwordExpireDays left to change password.
String loginThe name the Driver will enter when logging into the GreenMile system.
String emailUser’s e-mail address.
Boolean enabledActivates the Driver in GreenMile to allow them to log into the system.
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
String keyThe unique database key associated with the specific Driver template being defined.
String nameThe name of the Driver you would like displayed in the GreenMile system.
String addressLine1The street address for the driver.
String addressLine2Additional address information such as apartment.
String cityCity of driver’s address.
String stateState of driver’s address.
String zipCodePostal code of driver’s address.
String districtDistrict of driver’s address.
String countryCounty of driver’s address.
Decimal longitudeMap coordinates for Longitude of driver’s address.
Decimal latitudeMap coordinates for Latitude of driver’s address.
String phone1User’s phone number (1) for informational use.
String phone1TypeThe phone type entered in Phone 1.
String phone2User’s phone number (2) for informational use.
String phone2TypeThe phone type entered in Phone 2.
String adpFileNumberThe employee number provided by ADP for exporting of payroll data to ADP.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a point of interest inside a Route to be serviced by the Driver and/or an Equipment. A stop contains six types: NONE, STOP, PAID_BREAK, UNPAID_BREAK, PAID_WAIT, UNPAID_WAIT, PAID_OVERNIGHT, UNPAID_OVERNIGHT and DEPOT. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.GreenMile.ListStops
select * from GreenMile.Stop

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String keyThe entity’s key.
Int32 route_id
String route_key
String route_description
Int32 location_id
String location_key
Int32 location_organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String location_organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
Int32 baseLineSequenceNum
Int32 plannedSequenceNum
Int32 actualSequenceNum
Int32 stopType_id
String stopType_key
String udfs
DateTime baseLineArrival
Int32 originalStop_id
DateTime cloneDate
Int64 plannedWaiting
DateTime plannedArrival
DateTime projectedArrival
DateTime actualArrival
DateTime baseLineService
DateTime plannedService
DateTime projectedService
DateTime actualService
DateTime baseLineDeparture
DateTime plannedDeparture
DateTime projectedDeparture
DateTime actualDeparture
Decimal baseLineDistance
Decimal plannedDistance
Decimal projectedDistance
Decimal actualDistance
String actualArrivalDataQuality
String actualServiceDataQuality
String actualDepartureDataQuality
String actualDistanceDataQuality
String actualCancelDataQuality
Decimal baseLineSize1
Decimal baseLineSize2
Decimal baseLineSize3
Decimal plannedSize1
Decimal plannedSize2
Decimal plannedSize3
Decimal actualSize1
Decimal actualSize2
Decimal actualSize3
Decimal plannedPickupSize1
Decimal plannedPickupSize2
Decimal plannedPickupSize3
Decimal baseLinePickupSize1
Decimal baseLinePickupSize2
Decimal baseLinePickupSize3
Decimal actualPickupSize1
Decimal actualPickupSize2
Decimal actualPickupSize3
Decimal damagedSize1
Decimal damagedSize2
Decimal damagedSize3
String instructions
Int32 bulkArriveGroup
Int32 deliveryReasonCode_id
String deliveryReasonCode_key
Int32 overReasonCode_id
String overReasonCode_key
Int32 shortReasonCode_id
String shortReasonCode_key
Int32 damagedReasonCode_id
String damagedReasonCode_key
Int32 pickupReasonCode_id
String pickupReasonCode_key
Int32 cancelCode_id
String cancelCode_key
Int32 undeliverableCode_id
String undeliverableCode_key
Int32 redeliveryStop_id
String redeliveryStop_key
Decimal arrivalLatitude
Decimal arrivalLongitude
String arrivalMobileGpsProvider
Int32 arrivalAccuracyMeters
Boolean arrivedInTimeWindow
Decimal serviceLatitude
Decimal serviceLongitude
Int32 serviceAccuracyMeters
String serviceMobileGPSProvider
Boolean hasPicture
Boolean hasSignature
String signatureFilePath
Decimal longitude
Decimal latitude
DateTime actualCancel
String baselineTimeWindowOpen
String baselineTimeWindowClose
String baselineTimeWindowDay
String plannedTimeWindowOpen
String plannedTimeWindowClose
String plannedTimeWindowDay
String actualTimeWindowOpen
String actualTimeWindowClose
String actualTimeWindowDay
Int32 projectedMissedTWMinutes
Int32 stopEtaListeners_id
DateTime reprocessedAt
Decimal arrivalDistance
String stopDocuments
Int32 transport_id
Int32 size1AliasConfig_id
Int32 size2AliasConfig_id
Int32 size3AliasConfig_id
String signatureConformity
String arrivalConformity
Boolean inSequence
Boolean allowShort
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Should be used to represent any Customer, Point of Interest or Account information. This information will be used to represent the route locations information like stops and depot. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.Location

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String keyThe unique database key associated with the specific Location template being defined.
String descriptionThe name that will be displayed in the system for the Location.
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
Int32 locationType_idThe location type associated with this location.
String locationType_keyLocationType’s key.
String locationType_descriptionThe name that will be displayed in the system for the Location Type.
Int32 accountType_idThe account type associated with this location.
String accountType_keyAccount type key.
String accountType_descriptionDescription from Account Type.
String locationOverrideTimeWindowsIndicates the time window type specific for that customer (What time opens and closes).
Int32 serviceTimeType_idIndicates the service time type for that customer.
String serviceTimeType_keyServiceTimeType’s key.
String serviceTimeType_descriptionServiceTimeType’s description.
Int32 timeWindowType_idIndicates the time window type for that customer (What time opens and closes).
String timeWindowType_keyTimeWindowType’s key.
String timeWindowType_descriptionTimeWindowType’s description.
String taxIDTax identifier (CPF/CNPJ).
String addressLine1The street address for the Location.
String addressLine2Additional address information such as apartment.
String cityCity of Location’s address.
String stateState of Location’s address.
String zipCodePostal code of Location’s address.
String districtDistrict of Location’s address.
String countryCountry of Location’s address.
Decimal longitudeLongitude using decimal format.
Decimal latitudeLatitude using decimal format.
String geocodingQualityQuality of the geocoding information.
String phone1Location’s phone number (1) for informational use.
String phone1TypePrimary phone number Valid values: 0,1,2,3,4. 0 = Work, 1 = Home, 2 = Other, 3 = Mobile, 4 = Fax.
String phone2Location’s phone number (2) for informational use.
String phone2TypeSecondary phone number type. Valid values: 0,1,2,3,4. 0 = Work, 1 = Home, 2 = Other, 3 = Mobile, 4 = Fax.
String emailLocation’s e-mail address.
String deliveryInstructionsDelivery instructions.
Int32 deliveryRadiusCreates a circle around the location with the radius of the circle configured according to the number entered in miles.
String deliveryDaysDelivery days can be represented by M,T,W,R,F,S,U. Each letter represents one delivery day on the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. For example, the String "M,R" will represent the delivery days of Monday and Thursday.
Int32 nonHelperFixedTimeSecsTime in seconds fixed of a Non Helper.
Int32 nonHelperVarTimeSecsTime in seconds variable of a Non Helper.
Int32 helperFixedTimeSecsTime in seconds fixed of a Helper.
Int32 helperVarTimeSecsTime in seconds variableof a Helper.
Decimal perSize1RateRate per Size 1.
Decimal fixedCostFixed Cost of Location.
String consigneesConsignees of the Location.
DateTime geocodingDateDate when the location was geocoded.
DateTime geocodingLastCheckDate time the location geocode was checked.
Int32 geocodingUser_idUser that geocoded the Location.
Int32 timeZone_idThe time zone associated with the specific Location template.
String allowedUsersUser’s that are allowed to see this Location.
Boolean enabledActivates the Location in GreenMile to be utilized.
Boolean hasGeofenceShows if the Location has a Geofence.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents an organization entity. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.Organization

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String keyThe entity’s key.
String addressLine1The entity’s addressLine1.
String addressLine2The entity’s addressLine2.
String cityThe entity’s city.
String stateThe entity’s state.
String zipCodeThe entity’s zipcode.
String districtThe entity’s district.
String countryThe entity’s country.
String taxidThe entity’s taxid.
String descriptionThe entity’s description.
String parentOrganization_idRepresents the parent organization.
String unitSystemOrganization’s unit system.
Int32 preferedLocale_idOrganization’s I18NLocale.
String timeZoneOrganization time zone.
String listenerOrganizationsList of Organization that notified.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a reason code of delivery. (Over, Short, Damaged and Delivery) details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.ReasonCode

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String keyThe entity’s key.
String descriptionThe entity’s description.
Boolean enabled
Boolean delivery
Boolean over
Boolean shorts
Boolean damaged
Boolean pickup
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a route with stops where drivers will deliver orders. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.Route

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String keyThe entity’s key.
String descriptionThe entity’s description.
DateTime date
DateTime driverAssignmentDate
Int32 driver_id
String driver_key
String driver_login
String driver_name
DateTime equipmentAssignmentDate
Int32 equipment_id
String equipment_key
String equipment_description
String equipment_equipmentType_id
String equipment_equipmentType_key
String equipment_equipmentType_description
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
String origin_id
String destination_id
Boolean lastStopIsDestination
DateTime plannedArrival
DateTime plannedDeparture
DateTime plannedComplete
DateTime plannedStart
Boolean hasHelper
Decimal origLatitude
Decimal origLongitude
Decimal destLatitude
Decimal destLongitude
Int32 stops
String extraLineItems
String udfs
DateTime baseLineArrival
DateTime baseLineDeparture
DateTime reopenedDate
Int32 reopenedBy_id
DateTime projectedArrival
DateTime projectedDeparture
DateTime actualArrival
DateTime actualDeparture
Decimal baseLineDistance
Decimal plannedDistance
Decimal projectedDistance
Decimal actualDistance
DateTime baseLineComplete
DateTime projectedComplete
DateTime actualComplete
String actualStartDataQuality
String actualDistanceDataQuality
String actualCompleteDataQuality
String actualDepartureDataQuality
Decimal baseLineCost
Decimal plannedCost
Decimal actualCost
DateTime baseLineStart
DateTime projectedStart
DateTime actualStart
String driverName
String driverAssignments
String equipmentAssignments
Int32 totalStops
Int32 canceledStops
Int32 undeliveredStops
Int32 redeliveredStops
Int32 actualDepartures
String status
Int32 actualTravelTimeMinutes
Int32 plannedTravelTimeMinutes
Int32 baselineTravelTimeMinutes
Boolean hasPicture
Decimal actualSize1
Decimal actualSize2
Decimal actualSize3
Decimal baselineSize1
Decimal baselineSize2
Decimal baselineSize3
Decimal plannedSize1
Decimal plannedSize2
Decimal plannedSize3
Decimal actualPickupSize1
Decimal actualPickupSize2
Decimal actualPickupSize3
Decimal baselinePickupSize1
Decimal baselinePickupSize2
Decimal baselinePickupSize3
Decimal plannedPickupSize1
Decimal plannedPickupSize2
Decimal plannedPickupSize3
Boolean hasGps
DateTime lastUpdatedProjectedTime
String helperAssignments
DateTime actualDistanceRecalculatedAt
String resequenceMethod
String locationPendingPayments
String driverPendingBalances
String additionalMaterials
String consignedSkus
String holderMaterials
String manifests
Int32 size1AliasConfig_id
Int32 size2AliasConfig_id
Int32 size3AliasConfig_id
Decimal amountReceived
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents the association between a Route and a Driver as a helper. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.RouteHelperAssignment

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
Int32 driver_id
String driver_key
String driver_login
String driver_name
Int32 route_id
String route_key
Int32 location_id
String location_key
String location_description
Int32 location_locationType_idThe location type associated with this location.
String location_locationType_key
String location_locationType_description
Int32 location_organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String location_organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a Service Time Type. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.ServiceTimeType

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String key
String description
Boolean enabled
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
Int32 nonHelperFixedTimeSecsThe amount of time associated with a delivery.
Int32 nonHelperVarTimeSecsThe amount of time associated with each size1 quantity.
Int32 helperFixedTimeSecsThe amount of time associated with a delivery with Helper.
Int32 helperVarTimeSecsThe amount of time associated with each size1 quantity with Helper.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw
Represents a Time Window Type. details 


Name Description Default
filter { "criteriaChain" : [] }
maxCount 2000

SQL Call

select * from GreenMile.TimeWindowType

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 id
String key
String description
Boolean enabled
Int32 organization_idThe organization to which the item belongs.
String organization_keyUnique code identifying the organization.
String timeWindowTypeDaysShows if enabled.
DateTime creationDate
DateTime lastModificationdDate
String raw

601 21st St Suite 300
Vero Beach, FL 32960
United States

(561) 921-8669
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